The first steps in the letting go process have been taken and so far it has been not that bad. That is probably because of course it is not a real amputation ... And after yesterday I can really say that I am confident that it will all work out.n.
CC in the surf
Yesterday the first sketch of the CC Branding pack arrived in my mailbox. That is the big summer project behind the scenes at Cotton Candies; the Sell Your Stuff online team will not only design a completely new CC corporate identity, but also a brand new website will be created.
Yes, after 8 years it is high time for a kick-ass branding and to really grow up now.
Pyramids and diamonds
I designed the current logo two years ago; I wanted a clean and minimalist logo.
The pyramid in the middle with the three faces is an international symbol that stands for "Create", so very appropriate. I placed the hexagon around it so that a kind of diamond-like shape was created, which of course also fits well with a jewelery maker.
After a few nights of sleep and some minor adjustments, the new logo went online silently and without a festive launch, I ordered new business cards, stickers and a stamp. And tadaaa, there was suddenly my new corporate identity!
And yet in those two years, the logo has never fit me as well as my new leather jacket did right when I put it on; something kept itching. A bit of that feeling like there is still such an irrant clothing label in your neck, you know that Even if you cut it away as best as you can, you still feel it constantly.
But why was it such a mismatch with my logo that I had designed myself If I couldn't do it for myself, let alone let someone else know what would suit me. Because let's say: #iamcottoncandies! However.h?).
If you have been doing everything yourself for 8 years, it is a very exciting step to call in the help of an outsider ... The e-mail with the request had already been stored as a draft in my outbox for quite some time.
But all doubts were taken away when I saw the first sketch of my new logo. Yes, this is going to be a really fun ride! :)
Love, Melina